50 Years in Space


     Fifty years ago on 12th April, 1961 our Russian man Yuri Gagarin became
 the first human to journey into outer space.

2011 is announced the Year of C
osmonautics in Russia.


Read for more information and write the answers in paper 2:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin


1.1. When and where was Yuri Gagarin born?

2.2. How tall was he?

3.3. What sport was he fond of?

4.4. What was he interested in while a youth?

5.5. How old was he when he went into space?

6.6. What was the name of the spacecraft?

7.7. How long did the flight last?

8.8. How many times did he orbit the Earth?

9.9. What was his call sign in that flight?

10.10. When did he die?



Are you interested in space?

You can see for more information for your report:


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